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MeLSA (Mediated Learning Support Approach)

MeLSA is a 6-day training course followed by supervision sessions to implement new learning and develop highly skilled practice.

“Evidence shows that the more support pupils receive from TAs, the less academic progress they make.” Webster et al 2016.

MeLSA training helps school leaders deploy highly skilled staff to engage the most vulnerable and challenging pupils. It is evidence informed training designed for TAs/LSAs and other educational staff to become skilled mediators. Many schools are already familiar with ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), an evidence-informed approach to supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of their pupils. The training content is as follows:
Day 1: Mediating and Growth Mindset
Day 2: Thinking about Thinking
Day 3: Memory and Recall
Day 4: The Psychology of Learning Maths
Day 5: The Psychology of Learning to Read and Write
Day 6: Review of Learning, Supervision, and Implementation
Followed by four supervision sessions to support implementation.

First year cost is £985 per delegate. Schools who wish to train two delegates will receive a 50% discount for the second person.

Please get in touch to register your interest and find out more.

What can a MeLSA do – what the outcomes of MeLSA training?

  • MeLSAs can apply the training in any way that is useful to them, the learners they work with and the school.
  • MeLSAs can teach discrete thinking skills, adjust the content, language, or complexity of a learning task to foster a learner’s independence.
  • MeLSAs can apply their skills to support class-based learning.
  • MeLSAs can plan, deliver, and monitor impact of individual and small group learning support interventions. These learning support interventions will be bespoke to the learner and would normally last between half to one term.

Previous attendees of the course have reported that MeLSA;

  • Provides a clear, concise, and personalised approach to assessments and interventions related to learning.
  • Provides evidence-based and evidence-informed approaches to supporting learning in schools, such as making use of the guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation.
  • Starts by considering the learning needs of the learner and then tailors learning interventions accordingly rather than fitting the leaner into a specific intervention.
  • Can be an effective way to support the learning needs of specific groups of learners (e.g., those eligible for Covid Catch-Up or Pupil Premium funding).
  • Can use their skills, language, and tools to support other TAs/LSAs or teachers with learning.
  • Provides TAs/LSAs with a meaningful and valuable role that builds expertise, respect, and self-worth.